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Florida cosmetology license or specialty registration, esthetician, and nail tech continuing education and HIV/AIDS course requirements.

Overview of the Licensing Process:

What Florida cosmetology licensee or specialty registrants should know to maintain and protect their license or registration.

For a Florida cosmetologist, Nail Tech (Nail Specialty Registration), or Esthetician (Facial Specialty Registration), to maintain and renew their license Florida law requires that they complete 16 hours of continuing education, during each biennial license renewal cycle. For a licensee to receive credit for the completion of any continuing education course the course must be submitted to the Board for approval prior to its being taught, by a licensed continuing education provider, the course must be approved by the state and the course must be current and valid.

An important detail of meeting education requirements for license renewal is knowing the correct course and credit hours you need as part of the 16-hours of training you must complete. The state has outlined specific subject mater that must be covered they too have designated the amount of training measured in credit hours for each of the specific areas of study. You can take individual courses for each of the required areas of study, so long as each course is approved by the board for license renewal purposes, that its current, meaning it has not expired, and that it equals the required number of hours needed for that particular area of study.

You also have the option to take a 16 hour comprehensive continuing education program that combines all of the required subjects, topics, and subtopics outlined by Florida law into one continuing education program, so long as it is approved by the board, each subject is equal to or more than the credit hours required for that particular area of study as set forth by law, and it is current. Choosing a 16-hour comprehensive continuing education program that includes the correct number of training hours for each of the required areas of study is the best way to be certain you have completed the correct number of hours for each of the required areas of study. Doing this reduces organizational time and effort, as it is all done for you.

License holders, and registered specialists, must complete all license renewal requirements, on or before the October 31st deadline of each biennial licensure period. In other words, the renewal period is 2 years, and all conditions of renewal must be taken care of during each 2-year period before the deadline, that is every other year. The conditions of license renewal that must be met are completing 16 hours of continuing education, and paying all state licensing fees, before the renewal period deadline, again, that being every other October 31st. The process described must be repeated every 2 years to maintain a current/active license or registration status.

Failure to complete the requirements on time affects the license or registration status, and increases the amount of fees, owed to the state. The status changes to active/delinquent when requirements are not met before the renewal cycle deadline. Under Florida law a licensee or registrant is not permitted to provide services for compensation, meaning they can’t legally work. Licensees or registrants that aren’t current active found working are given large fines, as is the salon owner of the salons they are found working in. For a licensee or registrant with an expired license or registration to recover an active/current status they must complete any outstanding license renewal requirements that they are delinquent in, this can be done so far as they do it within the time designated by law.

The law designates that licenses and registrations that remain expired, with an active/delinquent status past the deadline of the second renewal cycle then become null and void. To regain a current/active status for a license or registration that is in the renewal period for the second renewal cycle all outstanding renewal requirements for the previous renewal cycle in which the license or registration expired must be satisfied, as well as meeting all the conditions of license renewal for the second, or current renewal cycle to recover their license or registration. It is not enough to complete the delinquent requirements from the previous renewal cycle to keep an expired license or registration from becoming null and void after the renewal deadline of the second renewal cycle, when the expired license or registration is nearing the end of the second renewal cycle. An example of this would be a license that expired on the renewal deadline of October 31, 2010 cannot be renewed by completing the outstanding renewal requirements to a 2010 expiration date, there by protecting it from becoming null and void. Unless the license holder completes all conditions of license renewal for the second renewal cycle as well, even though all renewal requirements have been met for the first renewal period, the license will still be given a null and void status by the state after the October 31st renewal deadline of the current renewal cycle, thus rendering it invalid. License holders and specialty registrants who have an expired license or registration from a previous renewal cycle, that are not aware they must meet all conditions for renewal for both cycles are at risk of ending up with a null and void license or registration status.

A null and void license occurs if a license or registration expires, and is not redeemed before the next renewal period deadline. An example would be a license that expired on October 31, 2010 becomes null and void if it remains expired after October 31, 2012. A license or registration that is null and void is no longer valid, and cannot be renewed. Credit cannot be earned by completing continuing education for a license renewal course when a license is null and void, therefore there is no reason to complete continuing education with a null and void license or registration, because it doesn’t count. It would be a waste of time and money.

Even with a null and void license or registration it is possible to return to an active/current status. The process followed to regain a license or registration that is null and void requires a person to re-apply to the Board of Cosmetology for a new license or registration. This is done by completing a license or registration application packet, which spells out all conditions of licensing, that must be satisfied as part of the application process, which include paying fees, completing forms, and submitting them along with a certificate of course completion earned from completing a 4-hour HIV/AIDS salon training course. Applications for license or registration come with instructions. The instructions explain that completing a board approved course on the subject of HIV/AIDS must be done as a condition of the application and that the certificate of course completion for the board approved HIV/AIDS salon training course be submitted with the application packet as proof the course was completed. The application packet instructions do not include for the board approved HIV/AIDS salon training course to meet application requirements that the course must provide 4-hours of training credit, and that not only must the 4-hour HIV/AIDS salon training course be board approved, but that it must be board approved specifically for meeting the license or registration application requirement for HIV/AIDS training. The instructions do provide contact information and offer that if there are any questions to call for details. A quick phone call to the state is all it takes for an applicant to find out all of the details needed to determine which board approved HIV/AIDS course works for satisfying the application requirement for HIV/AIDS training. It is always best to make the call, instead of trying to figure out what the application allows. It is always best to ask someone that knows with certainty, than to reason it out.

Earning the correct certificate requires the successful completion of a board approved 4-hour HIV/AIDS salon training course that the board approved specifically for satisfying the application training requirements. If a certificate of course completion is submitted to the state as part of an application for a license or registration that doesn’t come from an HIV/AIDS course the board approved for the application process it will be rejected and credit for completing the (unapproved for licensing) course will be denied. Processing of the application will be halted until a certificate is received that was earned by completing a 4-hour HIV/AIDS salon-training course approved by the board for the application process.

A common error is made when the certificate of course completion for a 16-hour continuing education program approved by the board for purposes of license renewal is submitted with an application for a license or registration. The error occurs by thinking the HIV/AIDS course contained in all 16-hour license renewal programs will meet the application requirement to complete an HIV/AIDS course and submit the certificate, because the state approved it and because it has an HIV/AIDS course contained within. This is incorrect thinking. This is not how it works and submitting a certificate for the completion of a program approved for license renewal does not meet license or registration application requirements. Consequently, in such an instance, processing of the application is halted pending a certificate be submitted from a 4-hour HIV/AIDS course approved by the board specifically for satisfying license or registration application requirements for HIV/AIDS training. Because the board approves HIV/AIDS salon training for purposes other than the application process, applicants should be aware that because a course covers HIV/AIDS and because the board approved the course that any board approved HIV/AIDS course is acceptable when applying to get a license. If this sounds confusing it is because it can be, which is why an explanation is being given here.

For an application to be granted the correct board approved HIV/AIDS training course must be completed, the certificate for which must be submitted to the board along with all other application packet documentation and fees. However, knowing this makes it possible to be accomplished, and eliminates processing delays that could otherwise occur. The 4-hour HIV/AIDS Salon Awareness course offered at this Web site is board approved specifically for the license or registration process. By submitting the certificate of course completion from the 4-hour HIV/AIDS salon-training course offered here, it is guaranteed that the HIV/AIDS salon training application requirement has been met and that application processing will not be halted for failure to complete the correct course.

Florida cosmetology license or specialty registration, esthetician, and nail tech continuing education and HIV/AIDS course requirements.

Florida cosmetology license or specialty registration, esthetician, and nail tech continuing education and HIV/AIDS course requirements.

The 2011 Florida Statutes

          Chapter 455

455.2177  Monitoring of compliance with continuing education requirements.--
(1)  The department shall establish a system to monitor licensee compliance with applicable continuing education requirements and to determine each licensee’s continuing education status. As used in this section, the term “monitor” means the act of determining, for each licensee, whether the licensee was in full compliance with applicable continuing education requirements as of the time of the licensee’s license renewal.

(2)  The department may refuse renewal of a licensee’s license until the licensee has satisfied all applicable continuing education requirements. This subsection does not preclude the department or boards from imposing additional penalties pursuant to the applicable practice act or rules adopted pursuant thereto.

(3)  The department may waive the continuing education monitoring requirements of this section for any profession that demonstrates to the department that the monitoring system places an undue burden on the profession. The department shall waive the continuing education monitoring requirements of this section for any profession that has a program in place which measures compliance with continuing education requirements through statistical sampling techniques or other methods and can indicate that at least 95 percent of its licensees are in compliance.

(4)  The department may adopt rules under ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement this section.

History.--s. 157, ch. 99-251; s. 17, ch. 2001-278; s. 43, ch. 2002-207; s. 2, ch. 2004-292; s. 82, ch. 2005-2. .

Florida cosmetology license or specialty registration, esthetician, and nail tech continuing education and HIV/AIDS course requirements.